Monday, April 19, 2010

Without light there will be no shadow

1 John 1:7 "But if we walk in the light as he is in the light, we will have fellowship one with another...."
I took this photo a while back of my granddaughter on one of our walks. She was thrilled to see her shadow that was cast on the wall. She moved around and made different poses and everything that she did..her shadow followed her. Needless to say, it was a moment to teach her a lesson about light and shadows.
Well months past by and I was looking at the photo and remembering our walk and our conversation about light and shadows. And it suddenly dawned on me that there is a spiritual parallel here. God is light and we walk in his light and have fellowship with him.
There needs to be light in order to cast a shadow. Jesus is the light of the world and we are his shadows here on earth. We see ourselves in him..we are reflected in him. The more light we have the more the shadow is cast. Acts 17: 28 says we move and breathe and have our being in him.
When you look at a shadow you don't see your features at all because that's how it is when you are in God. His light is so bright that it obscures who we are and allows the world to only see him. The more light we allow into our lives the more we are changed to become like him. 2 Cor. 3:18 says we are changed into the same image from glory to glory....
In Acts 5:15 the shadow of Peter passing by healed the people. He had so much of God's light in him that his shadow healed the people. How great would it be if we could duplicate this today.
His light is constant. Whether it is dark on earth or there is light his light is eternal. Isaiah 60:1 says we are to arise and shine for our light has come.....Let us do that then.